[ic] Re: [interchange-biz] Please submit quotes!

Jon prtyof5 at attglobal.net
Tue Sep 30 23:04:49 EDT 2003

> We are in need of consultation services for the following at ffandf.com,
> using InterChange 4.9.3:
> Critical issues:
> Checkout page improvements: Some users are unable to enter credit card data.
>                                     Shipping costs sometimes do not show up without clicking
> 'recalculate'.

  I had a similar problem, wasn't recalculating until after the customer clicked to
make payment with the CC. They didn't like ground mode changing to air mode..
Anyway I added this    onChange="this.form.submit()"     to the zip code input line
which forces an automatic recalculate when the value is changed.

> Quantity pricing: Not working at this time.
> Important issue:
> In Stock notification: The system will send an acknowledgment of the request
> to be notified, but will not notify when the item is restocked.

    If you're using the stock-alert code some one provided a while. BTW, a great feature
for reasons that may not be obvious. In any case you did add the cron job entry since that
is what checks the inventory and compares to the stockalert table.

> Flypage: We would like a 'tell a friend' option for our individual gift
> items.
> Also nice, but not critical:
>         Coupons: Please provide quote.
>         Sale pricing: Please provide quote.
>         Customer Survey: Please provide quote.

I haven't done the other items yet to my site, but seems like I've seen all of them
mentioned from time to time.


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