[ic] Sharing sessions - Discounts

Jon Jensen jon at endpoint.com
Thu Aug 19 12:49:02 EDT 2004

On Thu, 19 Aug 2004, Ed LaFrance (New Media E.M.S.) wrote:

> >I have an interchange mall with many shops, and would like a discount that 
> >was applied in one shop to be transferrable to others transparently (i.e a 
> >customer enters a code on one shop and can use the discount at the other 
> >shops with no extra data entry).
> >
> >So far i have:
> >1. Symlinked the sessions directories (so there is only one sessions dir, 
> >cart is maintained betweed shops).
> >
> >2. Changed the CookieDomain in each of the shops to have all the urls in 
> >the discount scheme.
> >
> >Any suggestions? I am out of ideas.
> If the session is still not portable between shops, you may need to 
> customize Session.pm to allow this.

One way you can do this in the latest Interchange from CVS (or any nightly
build from April 10 or later) is to add two CGI parameters to any links
leaving the current catalog:


The catalog the user goes to will accept the session ID in the CGI 
parameter in preference to a cookie when mv_force_session is on.

This was added just for a merchant with a similar situation to yours.

If you're using an older Interchange and don't want to upgrade to a 
development version, you could apply the simple patch manually:



Jon Jensen
End Point Corporation
Software development with Interchange, Perl, PostgreSQL, Apache, Linux, ...

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