[ic] Saving userdb information

Davor Ocelic docelic at mail.inet.hr
Wed Feb 4 16:44:55 EST 2004


In my catalog (not Foundation based), I have a test user "preferences"
page like this (HTML edited for brevity):

<form action="[process secure=1]" method=post>

	Name: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=name VALUE="[value name]">

	Surname: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=surname VALUE="[value surname]">

	[set SaveUser]
		[userdb function=save]
		[tag export userdb][/tag]

	[button text="Save"]
		mv_session_id="[data session id]"

However, I need to click Save, then go "back" in my browser and
click Save again, and only then is the user information really
saved (it doesn't work the first time I click Save).

Am I missing something obvious here, and/or have a mistake
in the whole approach?


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