[ic] Upgrade from 4.8.9 to 5.2

Andrew Rich andrew at mapsdownunder.com.au
Tue Jul 13 19:22:32 EDT 2004

Hi All

I have a successful 4.8.9 site and some 5.2 sites.

I wish to upgrade the Foundation based site to 5.2.

Obviously I could just create the cgi-bin file, add to 5.2 sites list
and fix the tags and variable but I would end up with a 5.2 version of
my old site.

I would like to actually use Mike's demo version but I am not sure of
how to migrate it.

I particularly like the multi page checkout.

One problem I have had with testing Mike's demo is with 4000 products
generating the menu can take 30minutes or more and also be too large to
use on-line.  This is because ti creates a menu item for all products.
Can the menus be generated for just groups and categories?

Andrew Rich
Maps Downunder

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