[ic] Shipping Problem IC 5.2

Barry Newman barry at jaguarrtech.com
Sat Jun 5 17:33:26 EDT 2004

UPS ground shipping statements:

GNDCOM  UPS Ground Commercial   weight  0       0       e Nothing to
ship!              { 'ui_ship_type' => "UPSE:GNDCOM", 'ups' => "0",
'at_least' => "5", adder => "3.00" }

GNDCOM  UPS Ground Commercial   weight  0       150     f [ups-query
zip="[either][value zip][or][var SHIP_DEFAULT_ZIP][/either]"
mode="GNDCOM" weight="@@TOTAL@@" aggregate="[var UPS_QUERY_AGGREGATE]"]

GNDCOM  UPS Ground Commercial   weight  150     999999  e @@TOTAL@@ lbs
too heavy for UPS

The shipping lookups work but once anything goes over 150 I get errors
like "Note: No match found for mode 'GNDCOM', quantity '222', returning
0." It's like it's ignoring the overage statement for some reason , this
all worked on 4.8, so wondering if the directives have changed a little?
TIA for any response !

-Barry Newman

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