[ic] modify search to ignore hyphens - how to use [filter word]

DB DB at M-and-D.com
Thu Jun 24 13:14:28 EDT 2004

> I've done something like this by using a search profile.  Something like 
> this should work.
> [set mysearch_profile]
>    fi=products
>    st=text
>    ml=25
>    so=category
>    se=[filter word [cgi searchparam]]
>    op=rm
>    cs=no
>    su=yes
> [/set]
> Then use a form like this:
> <form action="[area search]">
>    <INPUT type="hidden" name="mv_search_page" 
> value="your_search_results_page">
>    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_profile" VALUE="mysearch_profile">
>    <INPUT MAXLENGTH=30 NAME=searchparam type=text size=10>
>    <input type="image" alt="Search Go" border="0" 
> src="__THEME_IMG_DIR__go.gif">
> </form>
> The search profile can also be set up in the catalog.cfg
> Hope this helps,
> Eric Small
> -- 
> Interchange 5.2.0 / Debian 3.0 Stable / PostgreSQL 7.4.1

Actually on cloder examination the above search gives me unexpected 
results but I'm not sure why. The below however does work but I can't 
see why Eric's version gives odd results.

<form action="[area search]" method=post>
<input type=hidden name=mv_session_id value="[data session id]">
       <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_searchtype VALUE=text>
       <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_matchlimit VALUE=[control matches 25]>
       <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_sort_field VALUE=category>
       <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_column_op VALUE=rm>
       <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_case VALUE=no>
       <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_substring_match VALUE=yes>
[input-filter name=mv_searchspec op=word][/input-filter]
<input type=text name=mv_searchspec size="10">
<input type="image" alt="Search Go" border="0" 

I want to do a search for the filtered OR unfilterd search spec and I 
think that would be easier using Eric's format.


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