[ic] How to do Next Page to Cart after Buy now with 5.3

Gary Norton gnorton at broadgap.com
Fri Jan 28 10:43:27 EST 2005

Andrew Rich wrote:

>IC 5.3
>With my original 4.x site when someone clicked buy now I am sure (been a
>while now) that our site went to the shopping cart.
>I have changed to a 5.3 standard site and now when in the Flypage when a
>user presses Buy Now the site stays on the same page an puts a message
>near the bottom to indicate that this is ordered.
>I believe (looking at the logs) that many people do not read this and
>become confused and buy again!
>I have looked and am unsure where to make the change so that the user is
>taken to the Shopping Cart.

Change this line:

<FORM ACTION="[area href="[item-code]"]" METHOD=POST>

to this:

<FORM ACTION="[area ord/basket]" METHOD=POST>

I believe that is what you are looking for.


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