[ic] Testing UserTags without restart

Christian Brink cbrink at brinkrods.com
Tue Oct 11 21:19:30 EDT 2005

This is a program I wrote awhile ago to syntax check UserTags without a 
restart. You do need the File::Temp perl module.
Change the location of the 'lib' directory if needed.


use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp;

my $fn = $ARGV[0] || die "File Name Required\n";
my $debug = $ARGV[1] || 0;

my @lines;
push(@lines,"use lib qw| /usr/local/interchange/lib/ |; \n"); #Change if 
push(@lines,"use strict; \n");
push(@lines,"use warnings; \n");
push(@lines,'my $Session;'," \n");
push(@lines,'my $Tag;'," \n");
push(@lines,'my $Variable;'," \n");

my $line_in = scalar(@lines);
my $line_out = 0;

open(FH,"<$fn") or die "Could not open $fn\n";
while (my $line = <FH>) {
     $line =~ s/^sub\s+{/sub foobar {/;
     ++$line_out && next if ( $line =~ /^UserTag/ );
     ++$line_out && next if ( $line =~ /^EOR/ );
     ++$line_out && next if ( $line =~ /^EOD/ );
     push @lines, $line;

print @lines if $debug;

my $cnt = $line_out - $line_in;

my $tmp = new File::Temp();
print $tmp @lines;
my @report = `perl -c $tmp 2>&1 `;

foreach (@report) {
     if ( /line (\d+)/ ) {
         my $was = $1;
         my $now = $was + $cnt;
         s/line $was/line $now/;
     print "$_";


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