[ic] Strange behavior with [value-extended] tag

Marty Tennison marty at sediva.com
Tue Aug 15 14:17:16 EDT 2006

Stefan Hornburg (Racke) wrote:


> Is there any difference in your ActionMap in regard to logged in users ?

Not that I know of.  Here is one of the actual action maps.

ActionMap  best-sellers  <<EOR
sub {
	$CGI->{mv_todo} = 'search';
	$CGI->{mv_searchtype} = 'db';
	$CGI->{mv_nextpage} = 'results';
	$CGI->{mv_max_matches} = '99';
	$CGI->{mv_matchlimit} = '8';
	$CGI->{mv_coordinate} = 1;
	$CGI->{mv_sort_field} = 'sales_rank';
	$CGI->{mv_sort_option} = 'n';
	$CGI->{mv_search_file} = 'products';
	$CGI->{mv_search_field}[0] = 'sales_rank';
	$CGI->{mv_searchspec}[0] = '0';
	$CGI->{mv_column_op}[0] = '>';
	$CGI->{mv_numeric}[0] = '1';
	$CGI->{mv_search_field}[1] = 'inactive';
	$CGI->{mv_searchspec}[1] = '1';
	$CGI->{mv_column_op}[1] = '!=';
	$CGI->{mv_numeric}[1] = '1';
	return 1;

This works fine for both logged-in and not-logged-in users.  Then on my 
results page I have...

<a href="[area search=|
id=[data session id]
navarea=[cgi navarea]
navcat=[cgi navcat]
to=[value-extended name=mv_sort_option index=0]
mm=[value mv_max_matches]
ml=[either][value mv_matchlimit][or]8[/either]

sf=[value-extended name=mv_search_field index=0]
se=[value-extended name=mv_searchspec index=0]
op=[value-extended name=mv_column_op index=0]
nu=[value-extended name=mv_numeric index=0]

sf=[value-extended name=mv_search_field index=1]
se=[value-extended name=mv_searchspec index=1]
op=[value-extended name=mv_column_op index=1]
nu=[value-extended name=mv_numeric index=1]

|]">Sort By Price</a>

The first click works for everyone.  The second click fails for 
non-logged-in users.

-  - -- ----  ---------------------------- --- -- -   -
Marty Tennison
-  -- --- --------------------------------------- --- --

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