[ic] Relational options question

Sandy Thomson sandy at scotwebshops.com
Tue Feb 14 09:20:02 EST 2006

Hi there,
In interchange at the moment the option rows are like:

options table
sku-optionA sku label1,label2,label3 price1,price2,price3
sku-optionB sku label4 price4

where the various labels and prices are comma seperated (the example is 
simplified for the question).

Would it not make more sense to have something like:

options table
sku-optionA sku
sku-optionB sku

option contents table
sku-optionA label1 price1
sku-optionA label2 price2
sku-optionA label3 price3
sku-optionB label4 price4

The reason I am asking this is that we want to vary the price of a 
product depending on a combination of options being selected, and the 
price increment is not linear. Its not even quite as simple as that but 
i am trying to explain it so you can understand - it would be using 
custom CommonAdjust functions and a relational database would really 
help. Before I go off and rewrite the interchange core options 
functionality has this been done already? Any suggestions about how I 
might begin to tackle this task?


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