[ic] Help needed with multiple checkout pages

Christopher P. Lindsey lindsey at mallorn.com
Thu Mar 22 23:35:12 EST 2007


   I was hoping that someone could help me understand how multiple 
   checkout pages work under interchange.

   My last experience with interchange/minivend was Minivend 3, where
   I had a multi-stage checkout system working.  Unfortunately, it 
   doesn't look like it works any more with interchange.  To make
   matters worse, I think my minivend knowledge is confusing me
   when I try to work with interchange.

   Anyhow, what I'm trying to do is create a simple sign in page
   that just asks for a username/password and has two radio buttons
   that ask if you're a new or returning user.

   What's really confusing to me is error handling.  It looks like
   minivend now wants to display errors based on etc/profiles.order
   entries, but I'm really not keen on errors being displayed in a
   separate page.  I'd rather redisplay the form with the errors 
   displayed on the same page, but I can't figure it out.  The old
   checkout_profile stuff doesn't seem to work any more.

   Does anyone have a configuration like this that they'd be willing
   to share a couple of pages from?  Failing that, do you have any
   tips or pointers?



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