[ic] MAP Pricing and results_grid

Steve Graham icdev at mrlock.com
Wed May 16 15:27:15 EDT 2007

>On the results_grid, I am simply at a loss on how to do something 
>like this, in perl:
>(this works flawlessly on my flypage)
>[if-item-field map_price]

Hello Lisa,

I assume you talking about modifying results_grid that is located in 
the /templates/components directory?

If so, this file is not perl, but just like any other html code which 
you mix the IC tags, the code is similar to that on the flypage, but 
I log directly into the Linux machine to edit these files, then apply 
changes... hope I understand your question correctly....

If you really need to do something in perl, then it would probably be 
best to write a usertag


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