[ic] Shipping : not allow zero shipping charge

David Bordas bordas at testadaz.com
Sun May 27 11:29:41 EDT 2007

Hi interchange users,

I'm playing with shipping.asc to find a good cascade for my differents 
shipping methods.
So far it's ok (i found some documentation about it, thank you kevin).

But now, i've got a problem.
Shipping methods with zero charge are displayed :(
(I haven't zero charge shipping method before).
Even if i set "cost e no shipping for this !!".

So, i have a look to my shipmode.html page.

----- CODE -----
[tmp tmp_shipmodes][shipping possible=1][/tmp]

[seti ship_options][filter op="strip line2options" interpolate=1]
[loop list="[scratch tmp_shipmodes]"]
[set num][loop-increment][/set]
[loop-code]=[shipping-desc mode="[loop-code]"] ([shipping 

[loop list="[scratch tmp_shipmodes]"]
<input type="radio" name="mv_shipmode" value="[loop-code]"
                        [if value mv_shipmode eq [loop-code]]
                         > [shipping-desc mode="[loop-code]"] ([shipping 
<br>[loop-data livraison_desc description]
----- end of CODE -----

So i tried to add something like this to avoid display of zero shipping :
[loop [...]
[if value [shipping mode="[loop-code]" noformat=1]] ne "0.00"]
<input [...]

Not clean and not working... I think i'm close but i get a mistake 
somewhere. But don't know where.
I tried several things without any luck.

Did someone can help me please ?
Perhaps should i test ship_message and not shipping charge ?

Thank you.

David Bordas / Testadaz.com
http://www.testadaz.com : commandez les produits du terroir auvergnat
http://www.testadaz.com/blog : Le blog du terroir cantalien 

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