[ic] split or \$myvar is not parsing or interpolte in a right way

jojospace info at ebusiness-leidinger.de
Sun Dec 7 16:06:23 UTC 2008

Peter wrote:
> On 12/06/2008 09:10 AM, jojospace wrote:
>> And why ist
>> sub array_string  {
>>   my ($name, @data) = @_;
>>   my $soap_data = SOAP::Data->value(SOAP::Data->name("string" =>
>> @data)->type(""));
>>   $soap_data->type('ArrayOfString');
>>   return SOAP::Data->name($name, \$soap_data);
>> }
>> not working like a normal perl script? \$soap_data make me mad!
> First you're not giving anyone enough info to go on here.  What is this
> sub supposed to do?  What error messages does it produce (check the logs)?
> Secondly, I'm not a SOAP expert by any stretch.
> Third, you are trying to pass an array on the right side of a =>
> construct, which is designed to accept a scalar, it probably won't do
> whatever you think it will do (which I still don't quite understand).
> It boils down to ... it just doesn't look right to me and I don't know
> what you are trying to do so I can't tell you how to fix it properly.
> Peter

Hi Peter,

here is the full perl script myscript.pl:

use Data::Dump qw(dump);
use SOAP::Lite trace => 'all';

use constant SERIENNUMMER     => 'test';
use constant PASSWORT         => 'test';

my ($rv, $retObj) = &sendsms("Testmessage","2008-11-26T12:00:33",

print "$rv: $rv \nLoginStatusCode:" . $retObj->{"StatusCode"} ."
\nAnnahmeStatus:" . $retObj->{"Value"}->{"Status"} . " \nJobId: " .
$retObj->{"Value"}->{"JobId"} . "\n";

use constant URI              => 'http://www.xyz.com/gateway';

sub sendsms
  my ($msg, $schedule, $smsType,$sender, at clis) = @_;

  $msg = substr($msg, 0, 160);

  my $soap = SOAP::Lite
     -> uri(URI)
     -> proxy('http://www.xyz.com/gateway/Send.asmx')
     -> encoding('utf-8')
     -> on_action(sub{sprintf '%s/%s', @_ })

  my $User     = SOAP::Data->name('User'      => SERIENNUMMER)->type('');
  my $Pw       = SOAP::Data->name('Password'  => PASSWORT)->type('');
  my $Caption  = SOAP::Data->name('Caption'   => "Caption")->type('');
  my $Sender   = SOAP::Data->name('Sender'    =>  "$sender")->type('');
  my $Empf     = array_string("Recipient", @clis);
  my $Text     = SOAP::Data->name('SMSText'   => "$msg")->type('');
  my $SMSTyp   = SOAP::Data->name('SmsTyp'    => "$smsType")->type('');
  my $SendDate = SOAP::Data->name('SendDate'  => "$schedule")->type('');

  my $result = $soap->call (SOAP::Data->name ('SendSMS')->attr ({xmlns
=> URI}),
	($User,$Pw, $Caption, $Sender,$Empf, $Text, $SMSTyp, $SendDate));

  unless ($result->fault)
    my $rv = $result->result();
    my $str = join ', ',
    return(-1, $str);

sub array_string  {
  my ($name, @data) = @_;
  my $soap_data = SOAP::Data->value(SOAP::Data->name("string" =>
# this is my problems
  return SOAP::Data->name($name, \$soap_data);

The result is

    <SendSMS xmlns="http://www.xyz.com/gateway">

But in a usertag or perl tag, i get

    <SendSMS xmlns="http://www.xyz.com/gateway">

there is a missing <Reicpient></Recipient>

If i use

  my $Empf     = array_string("Recipient", @clis);

instead of

my $Empf     = array_string("Recipient",

I can create a workaround. But I want to know, why is the behavior of
this perl script not the same in a usertag? Why is \$soap_data a problem
in a usertag?

Thank you for your helps!


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