[ic] html <title>

Steve Graham icdev at mrlock.com
Mon Feb 4 15:57:40 EST 2008


Just reviewing a little code from flypage.html recently and 
thought....maybe the <title> html should use encode_entities.....
current version:

[tmp page_title]
         [if session arg]
                 [description code="[data session arg]"]

Note to self: rewrite as follows will get rid of excess white space 
and line feeds:
[tmp page_title][if session arg][description code="[data session arg]"]
I see that the item descriptions are filtered later in the code like:

alt="[item-filter encode_entities][item-description][/item-filter]"

is it good practice that the title html be encoded safely.....?
I will probably change the page_title code above with something like so....
[filter encode_entities]1" to 3"[/filter]

btw the code on the following page is missing the /


any thoughts?


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