[ic] Non-US keys = UTF-8 issue?

Jure Kodzoman jure at tenalt.com
Fri Feb 8 18:07:59 EST 2008

> [email <to, from, etc> extra="[tag op=mime arg=header]"]
> [tag op='mime' type='text/plain; charset="utf-8"']
> <body content here>
> [/email]

I am not sure if yahoo/hotmail has fixed this, but I recall they had an
issue of incorrectly showing emails other than iso8859-1. iso8859-1 was
displayed as page encoding and that messed up the stuff up.

Before applying this, you should check if that has changed since (old
yahoo interface still has this issue).

What we did was manual selection based on email domain, iso8859-1 for
yahoo/hotmail and UTF8 for everthing else. It worked ok. If you have a
site in many languages, mailing receipts and newsletters in various
encodings can be a real hell :)

best regards,

Jure Kodzoman
Tenalt d.o.o.
A: Dalmatinova ulica 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T: +386 590 13 083
E: info at tenalt.com
W: http://www.tenalt.com

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