[ic] handling charges - resolved

Matthew Dell mdell at inthesuntech.com
Mon Feb 11 14:10:11 EST 2008


Thanks for the help.  Your code worked fine.

M Dell
Orlando, FL

On 02/06/2008 11:03 AM, Matthew Dell wrote:
> I have been trying to set a handling charge depending on how many items
> in the cart.  But when I set 
> [if]
> [item-quantity > 4]
> [assign handling="20.00"]
> [else]
> [tmp my_handling]5[/tmp]
> [tmp][perl]
> $Scratch->{"total_handling"} = $Scratch->{"my_handling"} * $Items ;
> [/perl]
> [/tmp]            
> [assign handling="[scratch total_handling]"]
> [/else]
> [/if]
> It doesn't work and I cannot figure out why.  I did set [assign
> handling="20.00"] without the other stuff, but that would not add into the
> order total.
> There are really two issues, getting the handling charge to calculate and
> adding the handling charge to the order total.
> Any suggestions are appreciated.

Lots of problems that I see, first off, $Items is an array reference, 
and does not contain an integer that you can just multiply by, secondly 
you have to set the mv_handling value to a true value for handling to 
work, and thirdly that code is crap, try ...

	$Values->{mv_handling} = 1;

	my $handling = scalar @$Items * 5;
	$handling = 20 if $handling < 20;

	$Tag->assign({ handling => $handling });


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