[ic] daily special offer rotation

Chris Kershaw chris at endpoint.com
Tue Mar 25 10:51:27 EST 2008

Marko Kuzio wrote:
> hello,
> my goal is an daily special offer rotation. i have an external table 
> (offer_rotation) with follow shema:
> sku, display_date, price
> if call the customer the flypage, i look to the table offer_rotation if
> an entry for sku and display date exists (lookup with [query sql]),
> im displaying an special offer image and the new price.
> now, i have the follow problems:
> on the flypage i can displaying the new price, but in the basket and 
> checkout pages are only the real old price from the main product db 
> available. i search a process which can change the price (from 
> offer_rotation) in the card, basket and checkout pages.
> How can in manipulate the prices, with the external db process 
> offer_rotations?
> any idea's ????????
> thx and greats, mak
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Hi Mak,

You could try adding the price of the specials to the cart from the 
flypage with:

<input type="hidden" name="mv_item_option" value="mv_price">
<input type="hidden" name="mv_order_mv_price" value="10.00">

Then make sure to change the CommonAdjust in catalog.cfg to look for the 
price in the cart first. It should look something like this:

CommonAdjust   $  ;:sale_price, ;:price, ==:options

The $ being the price in your cart


Chris Kershaw
End Point Corp.
Direct Line: 919-249-5356
Fax: 212-929-6927 

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