[ic] Call for testers

David Christensen david at endpoint.com
Fri Mar 13 13:09:37 UTC 2009

On Mar 13, 2009, at 4:29 AM, Peter wrote:

>> and if it's enabled, see any invalid UTF-8 bytes converted to ?
>> characters. That's simple, nonfatal at runtime, and yet gently  
>> encourages
>> developers to get their sources in the proper UTF-8 encoding.
> I'm fine with that, and that was the original proposal.  One problem,
> though, is that while I thought that the Encode module could do that,
> apparently it can only barf when decoding unicode input, so we would
> have to find another way to find the invalid chars and change them  
> over.

There is a third param to Encode::decode which specifies the behavior  
of invalid decodes, which by default is to die, but can warn, ignore  
or silently substitute IIRC.  So I think this could be make to  
substitute the invalid character marker without much problem.


David Christensen
End Point Corporation
david at endpoint.com

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