[ic] New guide for setting up a Centos / RHEL 5server and installing Interchange

Steve Graham icdev at mrlock.com
Sat Feb 27 02:10:30 UTC 2010

> Can you test this on your server?
> The icdevgroup demo does not give this error,  but I have not made any 
> changes to the demo, so not sure what the difference might be.
> thanks,
> Steve

I've have noticed this problem as well on a few of the hall of fame pages,
solved this on my install by adding the following line to search_box_small
but still don't know why the demo at icdevgroup.org doesn't exhibit this 

 <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_coordinate VALUE=1>
	      <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_searchtype VALUE=db>
	      <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_matchlimit VALUE=10>
	      <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_sort_field VALUE=category>
	      <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_search_field VALUE=":*">
	      <input type=hidden name=mv_min_string value=2>
	      <input type=hidden name=mv_substring_match value=1>

              <INPUT MAXLENGTH=30 NAME=mv_searchspec type=text size=15>
+              <INPUT type=hidden NAME=mv_searchspec value=>

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