[ic] Time for new hardware?

Grant emailgrant at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 17:05:57 UTC 2016

>>> I don't recommend it, though, because it means *every* bot and 404
>>> request goes through Interchange rather than being served statically by
>>> Apache, greatly increasing the load on Interchange and your server.
>> With nginx you can easily catch requests that don't match your URL scheme
>> and 'return 404;' without ever handing off to apache/interchange.
> Sure, if you have a URL scheme then you can route only that to Interchange.
> Most people wanting the root URL space to be handled by Interchange are
> going to have trouble knowing what is and isn't an app-handled URL, if it
> includes any arbitrary product ID:
> /super-mega-bike
> /deluxe-special-computer
> etc.
> Either you have to make a huge list of all known URLs, or look them up in
> the database which isn't generally any faster than letting it hit
> Interchange.
> If you have known URL prefixes for your app:
> /shop/super-mega-bike
> /admin/login
> then it's no problem, but that's not what "no URL prefix" means to me.

If you can name all of your pages with the same extension (.html for
example) then you can throw out anything else.  That and trashing any
request which includes more than one slash (if you don't use folders)
gets rid of a whole lot of junk.  You can make exceptions for /admin/
and whatever else.

- Grant

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