Multi-store setup in Interchange 5

Richard Templet
End Point Corporation

What is Multi-store?

There are 4 different areas that we setup to make this happen:

Standard directory tree

user |-- live | |-- bin | |-- catalogs | | |-- site1 | | |-- site2 | | |-- site3 | | `-- shared | |-- cgi-bin | |-- htdocs | | |-- master_images | | |-- site1 | | |-- site2 | | |-- site3 | | |-- shared_html | |-- interchange

Catalogs directory tree looks something like this:

|-- site1 
|   |-- captcha -> ../../htdocs/site1/images/captcha/
|   |-- include
|   |   |-- user_mgmt -> ../../shared/include/user_mgmt
|   |-- pages
|   |   |-- flypage.html -> ../../shared/pages/flypage.html
|   |-- products
|   |   |-- shared_variable.txt -> ../../shared/products/shared_variable.txt
`-- shared
    |-- include
    |   |-- user_mgmt
    |-- pages
    |   |-- flypage.html
    |-- products
    |   |-- shared_variable.txt

Add to catalog.cfg:

VariableDatabase shared_variable

Interchange Global adjustmenets

Database Setup Strategies
