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built-in web server problem

(note: this is a repost from several weeks ago.  i did not see the
message go through or any replies.  thanks.)

I have installed MiniVend 4.14 on a Red Hat 6.0 box and I'm having
problems getting the internal http server working.  When I try to
connect to localhost:7786 it gives me the error message saying that the
page contains no data.  I've tried the root directory (/) and
(/mv_admin) and both give me the same message.

I've tried restarting the server, and also reinstalling MiniVend with
all default options selected and it still outputs the same error message
to my browser.

Also, what are the default username and passwords to /mv_admin ?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

--t.j. weber

T.J. Weber                  | Providing your business with COMPLETE
Interplanetary Media        | computer & Internet solutions!
phone:         847.205.5200 | ----- SARRZY INTERNET SOLUTIONS -----
fax:           847.205.5201 | web: 
    He's not dead, he's       /  You have the right to remain 
electroencephalographically  /  silent.  Anything you say will
        challenged.         /  be misquoted and used against you.

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