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[mv] sql search error

******    message to minivend-users from Andreas Kotowicz <koto@mynetix.de>     ******


I just try to upgrade all my shops from minivend 3.12 to minivend 4.04.  in one
of my shops I use following search routine:

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_searchtype" VALUE="sql">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_sql_query" VALUE="select * from products where concat(lcase(description),lcase(category)) rlike '%s'">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_matchlimit" VALUE="7">
<INPUT MAXLENGTH="30" NAME="mv_searchspec" SIZE="13" VALUE=""><BR>

with minivend 3.12 I get all results but with minivend 4.04 I get following
error message:

"there are no items of this decritpion ARRAY(0x82ddca8)."

error.log says:
/shop/search Bad SQL statement: Parse error near (lcase(description),lcase(category)) rlike '%s' at /home/mvend/lib/Vend/Scan.pm line 573.

when I look in Scan.pm I have this line.

"$stmt = SQL::Statement->new($text, $parser);"

I really don't know what the problem is.  Racke thinks, that the SQL::Statement
doesn't like lcase and rlike, but this can't be the problem. (in my opinion)


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