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[mv] CyberCash MCK on FreeBSD 2.2

******    message to minivend-users from Dave Gawlik <ddave@ddave.com>     ******

So far, CyberCash tech support has been totally unhelpful in setting up
MCK.  Our web server runs on a FreeBSD 2.2 machine that requires a.out
executables instead of ELF... my question is... is it possible to
interface MiniVend 3.14 to the CyberCash MCK running on FreeBSD 4.0
machine or does it have to reside on the webserver running the MiniVend
daemon? Do I need a tunneled route to MCK or what is required to get it
running? If it is not possible to run MCK on another machine, does anyone 
hear have an a.out version of MCK they can send me?

BTW> Please Cc: ddave@ddave.com when replying to this message.


*Dangerous* Dave Gawlik
LServ.Com WebMaster/Administrator
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