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Re: [mv] shipping not showing up in my total (solved)

******    message to minivend-users from Mark Stosberg <mark@summersault.com>     ******

Mark Stosberg wrote:
> What are some possible causes for [total-cost] not reflecting the
> shipping? Thanks!

I figured this out in my case. The issue was the way I had customized
the "multi" checkout of the 4.04 simple demo. I didn't need the shipping
page because of my shipping scheme, but there were still some links
through "mv_nextpage" to this dead page. What was happening was that
people were being passed through the shipping.html page, where
mv_shipmode was being set something wrong, and then transparently being
passed on to "final.html" without ever seeing the shipping.html page,
but still picking up the wrong the shipmode. 
  I corrected this by removing the links to the shipping page (in
mv_nextpage) and then deleting the page. As for why the shipping
appeared to work and then quit... I never figured that out. :) 

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