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[mv] Error message question

******    message to minivend-users from Todd Benson <todd@ehawaiigov.org>     ******

I just recently installed minivend on a new server of ours.  Minivend
server runs as minivend user and minivend group, the same as the
catalog.  I'm not very adept at this stuff, so please bear with me.
When I go to restart the server, the following error occurs.  Andy

Killing Minivend server 9084 with TERM.
CyberCash module found (Version 3.x)
Low traffic settings.
Calling MiniMate....
Minimate is loaded.
MiniVend V4.04
Configuring catalog maps...maps config error: Can't use an undefined
value as an ARRAY reference at
/usr/local/minivend/lib/Vend/Table/InMemory.pm line 123.

maps: error in configuration. Skipping.
maps: config error. Skipping.
MiniVend server started in INET and UNIX mode(s) (process id 9590)

When it says config error, what is the most common cause of this?
permission settings or actual catalog config file errors or others?


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