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[mv] mv_begin_string / searching records for starting letter

******    message to minivend-users from ". c . o . r . y .  t . r . e . s . e" <digital@frognet.net>     ******

Dearest List,

I would like to be able to search for a database for a record that contains an
field (last_name, to be exact) begging with a letter (which I will pass from a
<select> field.)

I've been playing around with mv_begin_string, but I can't seem to get it to do
much of anything.

I'll go into more detail if someone wants me to, but I thought I'd just throw
this out there and see if anyone has a canned solution they are willing to
share.  Otherwise, I'll can my own and post it to the list eventually :)

cory trese
digital@{specialty-books.com, frognet.net};
W: 800 466 1365 ext223]
H: 740 592 4493
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