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Re: [mv] no /cgi-bin/storename/

******    message to minivend-users from "Bill Randle" <billr@exgate.tek.com>     ******


I didn't have any images to worry about. :-)

However, it's failing for just the reason you noticed. All you need to
do is add an exclusion rule to the list of RewriteRules to pass thru
the image URLs unchanged. E.g., insert:
	RewriteRule	^/.*images/.*	-	[PT,L]
before the ^/(.*) match rule. This should pick up anything of the form
where all your images are in an "images" directory outside the minivend
catalog. For images inside the catalog (accessed via /cgi-bin/), just
make sure there's no "images" directory in the path.

You can pick any name you like, of course, to use instead of "images".
[Cc'd back to the mv users list, as this was a defect in my original


On Sep 7,  6:14pm, Steve & Patti Getzinger wrote:
} Subject: Re: [mv] no /cgi-bin/storename/
} Bill,
}   Worked fine except. :) What are you doing about images? I am getting broken
images I am
} guessing because it is going through the cgi-bin area first. This is
something I have been
} wanting to do for awhile but haven't had the time to look into. Since you
have it working
} thought you might be of assistance.
} Steve
} Bill Randle wrote:
} > ******    message to minivend-users from "Bill Randle"
<billr@exgate.tek.com>     ******
} >
} > On Sep 6,  5:13am, Victor Nolton wrote:
} > } Subject: [mv] no /cgi-bin/storename/
} > } ******    message to minivend-users from Victor Nolton
} >   ******
} > }
} > } I've noticed some...for yourdomain.com:
} >
} > <VirtualHost a.b.c.d>
} >     ServerAdmin support@mainhost.com
} >     DocumentRoot /home/httpd/html/yourstore
} >     ServerName www.yourdomain.com
} >     ErrorLog logs/yourdomain-error_log
} >     CustomLog logs/yourdomain-access_log common
} >     ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/"
} >     RewriteEngine On
} >     RewriteRule    ^$      /cgi-bin/yourstore/index.html    [PT,L]
} >     RewriteRule    ^/$     /cgi-bin/yourstore/index.html    [PT,L]
} >     RewriteRule    ^/index\.html$  /cgi-bin/yourstore/index.html    [PT,L]
} >     RewriteRule    ^/cgi-bin/yourstore/.*   -           [PT,L]
} >     RewriteRule    ^/(.*)      /cgi-bin/yourstore/$1        [PT,L]
} > </VirtualHost>
} >
} > I just did this for a client and it works quite well (as long as you're
} > using a fairly recent version of Apache as your webserver).
} >
} >         -Bill
} =========================================================
}   WDI                          Steve & Patti Getzinger
}   702 Lincolnway West          steveandpatti@wubs.org
}   South Bend, IN  46616        http://www.wubs.org/
}   219-287-4700 (Main Office)   317-535-0239 (Direct Line)
} =========================================================
}-- End of excerpt from Steve & Patti Getzinger

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