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[mv] Problems starting MV after perl upgrade

******    message to minivend-users from "Gideon van Gelder" <gideon@swingmaster.nl>     ******

Hi Everyone,

My ISP just upgraded to perl 5.6 and I then got this
the following error once (minivend 3.14-4):


/([^\w-_:#=/.%])/: false [] range "\w-" in regexp at
/home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Util.pm line 835.
/([^\w-_:#=/.%])/: false [] range "\w-" in regexp at
/home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Util.pm line 859.
Unrecognized escape \s passed through at
/home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm line 3127.
Can't locate HTML/Entities.pm in @INC (@INC
contains: /home/gideon/mvend/lib /usr/lib/perl5/i386- linux /usr/lib/perl5
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .)at
/home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Parser.pm line 107.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Parser.pm
line 107.
Compilation failed in require at /home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Parse.pm line
Compilation failed in require at /home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Config.pm line
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Config.pm
line 40.
Compilation failed in require at /home/gideon/mvend/bin/minivend line 223.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/gideon/mvend/bin/minivend line
We couldn't immediately terminate the MiniVend server running
on PID 12261. The server is probably just waiting for a request,
but it is conceivable it was stopped by an error.


and from then on I've been getting this error:

Sent TERM to server on PID 7460.
MiniVend server stopped.
/([^\w-_:#=/.%])/: false [] range "\w-" in regexp at
/home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Util.pm line 835.
/([^\w-_:#=/.%])/: false [] range "\w-" in regexp at
/home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Util.pm line 859.
Unrecognized escape \s passed through at
/home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Interpolate.pm line 3127.
defined(@array) is deprecated at /home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Scan.pm line
 (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
/[^\w-_:#/.]/: false [] range "\w-" in regexp at
/home/gideon/mvend/bin/minivend line 1468.
/[^\w-_:#/.]/: false [] range "\w-" in regexp at
/home/gideon/mvend/bin/minivend line 3158.
/^(\S+)?(\s*)?<\s*([\w-_#/.]+)$/: false [] range "\w-" in regexp at
/home/gideon/mvend/lib/Vend/Config.pm line 921, <GLOBAL> line 15.
MiniVend V3.14-4
Configuring catalog s...Cleared /home/gideon/s/tmp/PageCache
Cleared /home/gideon/s/tmp/SearchCache


Any advice? Or maybe I should just try to reinstall MV?

Thanks in advance and best regards,
-=Gideon van Gelder

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