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Re: [ic] Grabbing a web page content using LWP::Simple

At 07:11 PM 03/22/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>At 12:46 PM 3/22/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>>I have found the problem and it was crazy. I was trying to get-url on a
>>page within minivend on the same machine I was running the get-url usertag.
>>Whenever I tried another machine the page came in perfectly. However, when
>>I tried again on the same machine running the script and asking for a page
>>within minivend, it would hang up again.
>You weren't requesting any pages that called the get-url were you?  (It 
>calls a page that calls a page that calls a page...).  Recursive problems 
>are fun.
>Did anybody else besides me enjoy writing recursive C functions in 
>Computer Science classes?
>Dan Browning, Cyclone Computer Systems, danb@cyclonecomputers.com

Actually, I think I have found the cause of this - or at least one 
cause.  I get the same behavior when attempting a get_url() for a domain on 
the same machine, but only if the server is running primary DNS for the 
domain locally.  On other machines which host domains which are resolved by 
remote DNS, it is not a problem.  I have not taken any time to try to 
determine why this causes a problem, but it is verified and repeatable.

The workaround is to use the domains IP address instead of the domain name 
in the get_url() call; then it works fine regardless.

- Ed L.

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