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[mv] Wrong Amount Passed to Cybercash

I've a pretty significant problem in that the wrong prices are being
passed to cybercash. I've an alternate price list that is enabled for
certain users (basically family memebrs of the client). I do this using
the LOCALE trick. Unfortunately, its not working. The normal price is
being passed to cybercash even though the correct total is being put on
the order form and the receipts. This is a bit of a problem as they are
overcharging people. 

Now, when I was building the site I foudn that setting the LOCALE
directive once wasn't persisting from page to page. In order to get
around this I had to reset the locale on each page. My guess is that
whatever routine calls cybercash is not having the locale set correctly.
Which means that the undiscounted total is sent. 

This is a problem and I know I asked about this failure of persistance
in the past when I was building the site but never got an answer. If
*anyone* has any insight on this I would really appreciate it.

I'm currently using MV4.04	

I'm hoping I won't have to send this to the interchange list as well.

Thanks in advance

Chris Rapier

Minivend-users mailing list

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