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[mv] Saved Cart Question?


Does anyone know how to remove an item from a cart that has been
'saved'?  It appears that MV3.14 saves the cart in userdb.gdbm, but I do
not know how to get directly at the cart in the database.

I am trying to do this with a perl script that runs as a special

The problem is this. If someone puts an item in their cart and saves the
cart, there is a record (I believe in userdb.gdbm and maybe
session.gdbm) of this saved cart.  Then if a store owner removes one of
the items in the saved cart from the store before the customer has had a
chance to process the items in the saved cart, when the customer comes
back and 'recalls' the cart, the removed item will be in it.

I wnat to write a script that will go through the 'saved' carts in
userdb.gdbm (and session.gdbm if necessary) to remove these unavailable
items from the carts.

Does anyone know how this can be done?

Murrah Boswell

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