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Re: [mv] Saved Cart Question?

At 12:32 AM 03/25/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Does anyone know how to remove an item from a cart that has been
>'saved'?  It appears that MV3.14 saves the cart in userdb.gdbm, but I do
>not know how to get directly at the cart in the database.
>I am trying to do this with a perl script that runs as a special
>The problem is this. If someone puts an item in their cart and saves the
>cart, there is a record (I believe in userdb.gdbm and maybe
>session.gdbm) of this saved cart.  Then if a store owner removes one of
>the items in the saved cart from the store before the customer has had a
>chance to process the items in the saved cart, when the customer comes
>back and 'recalls' the cart, the removed item will be in it.
>I wnat to write a script that will go through the 'saved' carts in
>userdb.gdbm (and session.gdbm if necessary) to remove these unavailable
>items from the carts.
>Does anyone know how this can be done?

Rather than scanning the carts field in userdb, you could place a [perl] 
block on the basket page to detect extinct items and remove them from the 
basket - something like this (UNTESTED):

[perl tables=products]
         my $counter = 0;
         do {
                 if ($Tag->data('products', 'sku', 
$Carts-{'main'}[$counter]{'code'})) {
                         splice @{$Carts->{'main'}}, $counter--, 1;
         } until $counter > $#{$Carts->{'main'}};
         return '';

- Ed L.

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