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[ic] Error creating database with foundation demo on devel interchange

On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 10:09:36AM +0200, Stefan Hornburg (Racke) wrote:
:Casey West <> writes:
:> After I finish running bin/makecat and I run bin/interchange -r, I get
:> the following error after every table creation.  I'm using the
:> postgres database and everything in the sql db is being created and
:> inserted.
:>   (SQL insert statements yak yak...)
:>   table 'products' failed: DBD::Pg::db table_info failed: ERROR:
:>   parser: parse error at or near "left" at
:>   /home/sites/site10/interchange/lib/Vend/Table/ line 539.
:>   kvs config error: products not a database, cannot use as products
:>   file
:>   kvs: error in configuration. Skipping.
:>   kvs: config error. Skipping.
:>   Interchange server started in INET and UNIX mode(s) (process id 24965)
:> As stated, this happens for every table, not just products.  I'm a
:> little perplexed because I've had no problems using devel on a vanilla
:> redhat 7.2, but the exact same source is killing me on a cobalt raq3
:> (i386) that carries a linux built by cobalt (of course, this shouldn't
:> matter).
:Probably you should mention the versions of Interchange, DBI and DBD::Pg
:to get help.

I should also mention it's a raq4 and not raq3.  DBI is 1.21 and
DBD::Pg is 1.12.  I am using Perl 5.6.1 in /usr/local

Casey West

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