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[ic] other places to find help

On 2/19/02 7:40 PM, "" <> wrote:

> can anyone tell me of other places on the web to find technical help for the
> interchange cart?

Some folks say there's a cold dark abysmal vortex like area of the Internet
where a mythical tell all Interchange website exists promising riches and
rewards beyond imagination.  But only those that are truly worthy and pure
of heart can pass the through the mind sucking, back breaking, bank account
stealing, time robbing demon called HELLIOUSLEARNINGCURVE.
Of course its all just myth, spread from one user to another. . . .but if
your real quiet you can feel the pull and power of Interchange . . . as the
demon breathes his heavy breath and I ramble on in a Lord of The Rings
inspired brain fried attempt to get webalizer working on my Red Hat 7.2 box.
Why hasn't anyone come up with a handy RPM to set up webalizer to work with
multiple Virtual Hosts in an easy no brainer way so I don't have to kill
myself with all of these #$%^^&* webalizer.conf files?  Or at least a decent
Webmin based tool?. . . .bitch moan bitch moan
Julia Jacobs
Currant Media
Fax 407-261-0176
Members of The Better Business Bureau
* Multimedia Producers
* Web Design & Development
* 2D/3D Graphics/Animation
* Hosting, domain and e-mail
* E-Commerce ­ check, credit card validation

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