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[ic] [off-topic] webalizer for virtual hosts

Julia Jacobs <> writes:

> Why hasn't anyone come up with a handy RPM to set up webalizer to
> work with multiple Virtual Hosts in an easy no brainer way so I
> don't have to kill myself with all of these #$%^^&* webalizer.conf
> files?  Or at least a decent Webmin based tool?. . . .bitch moan
> bitch moan

Of course, being a debian dude, I don't use RPMs.  Debian installs
webalizer fairly well although it doesn't support virtual domains well
either.  I have written some cron scripts that seems to handle it
pretty well.  Basically, it works like this.  Every virtual domain has
a unix userid.  _All_ of that user's files are in their home
directory: DocuemntRoot, log files, interchange catalog.  I then have
a file called /etc/uid2domain that is simply two columns: the unix
user id (and thus the directory relative to /home) and the domain
name.  My cron script just rips through that list and runs with the
appropriate command line argumens.
 (__) Doug Alcorn (
 oo / PGP 02B3 1E26 BCF2 9AAF 93F1  61D7 450C B264 3E63 D543
 |_/  If you're a capitalist and you have the best goods and they're
      free, you don't have to proselytize, you just have to wait. 

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