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[ic] creating foundation demo using mysql

At 01:23 PM 07/22/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>I am new to RH Interchange and am having problems creating a MySql 
>database using makecat.  I am using Interchange 4.8.5 on RH 7.2.  The 
>makecat attempts to use mysqladmin to create the database but it fails to 
>use the correct username and password I specify.  Does anybody know where 
>I can force it to use the correct username and password with 
>mysqladmin?  Or, is there a better way of doing this?

I recommend you create an empty database for your IC catalog beforehand, 
then use a grant statement to set up access for the IC catalog. Loggedin to 
mysql as the mysql admin, this is as easy as:

         mysql> create database foo;
         mysql> grant all privileges on foo.* to foouser@localhost 
identified by 'foopasswd';

Then run makecat, give it the name of the database and the username and 
password for access, but answer 'no' *both* times it asks you if you want 
makecat to create/setup the database. When you restart IC it should build 
the tables for your catalog.

- Ed L.

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