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[ic] what is wrong with my query?

I'm trying to do an [if] comparision inside a query but I guess my [if] tags
are wrong.
There's not much docs about [if-sql] tags and the ones that I found on the
interchange lists didn't work either.  Here's my code below.

<select name="issue_agency" >
[query sql="SELECT * FROM agency" type=list]
    <option value="[sql-param code]" 	
	[if term="sql-param issue_agency" op="eq" compare="/[value
issue_agency]/"  ] selected 	[/if]> 	[sql-param issue_agency]

also found a snippit of code which I changed and didn't work either...
[set agency_code][value issue_agency][/set] 
[if type=explicit compare="($Scratch->{agency_code} =~ "/[value
issue_agency/"] selected 
[else] problems! [value issue_agency]  [/else]

I just wanted to print SELECTED on the drop down list when the 
[value issue_agency] == [sql-param issue_agency].  

Thanks for the help.

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