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[ic] Same billing address as shipping

On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, Interchange User wrote:

IU>>Hi, I wonder if any of you had implemented a checkbox for making
IU>>Billing address to be the same as Shipping address in account.html?
IU>>Such that, when clicked, will refresh the current account.html page
IU>>to display the Billing Address' values to be the same as that of
IU>>Shipping Address.

I think that it's superfluous.

On my check-out form they are asked to complete the billing address if it is
different than the shipping address.

When I print out orders and there is  only 1 address I assume that they have
followed the instructions and both are the same.

Or, from a mentor of mine, "All that is not prohibited is permitted." Or, in
this case, they haven't put in a different address so it is the same until
AVS tells me differently.

-= Jim =-

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