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[ic] Interchange using MySQL on a different machine

On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 09:50, Schuyler Langdon wrote:
> Tommy Pruitt wrote
> > Where do I modify the database to be used?  I have looked at
> > /var/lib/interchange/pci/catalog.cfg and modified it to have
> > where pci_2002 is the database
> > on another machine.  It makes no difference.  When I restart interchange
> > it still uses dbi:mysql:test_pci
> It's in the variable table, SQLDSN column

It should look like:

	ifdef SQLDSN
	Variable  SQLDSN dbi:mysql:<db>:<server>

and in products/variable.txt
you should have:

	MYSQL	1	Database
	SQLDSN	dbi:mysql:<db>:<server> Database

This is all I did (on a similar setup), and it works fine for me.
Good luck.

> -
> Schuyler Langdon
> GatorDev
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