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[ic] I am having a rough time with interchange

I am using interchange 4.8.6

I run make cat and get the following errors:

run "mysqladmin -u  -p create test_foundation"? y

Command returned error code 16777215: No such file or directory
Moving link program to
Since you selected the SUEXEC/CGIwrap option and are root, we aren't
which user and group you intended to own the link program. We have
the catalog user's UID/GID (1001/1001), but this may not match your
server definition. If you get a server error, change the ownership to
proper value and ensure that the SUID bit is turned off on the link
program (/home/www/sites/linux4liphe/cgi-bin/foundation).

chown sampledata.xls: No such file or directory

what is going on and or what am I doing wrong

I would really appreciate any help you can offer.


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