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[ic] I am having a rough time with interchange

The error code you got usually indicates that mysqladmin is not in the 
path. Trying running the makecat again after adding the location of your 
mysql bins to the $PATH var. As for the other, I can't help - sorry! I 
don't use SUEXEC...


Mike Lessar wrote:

>I am using interchange 4.8.6
>I run make cat and get the following errors:
>run "mysqladmin -u  -p create test_foundation"? y
>Command returned error code 16777215: No such file or directory
>Moving link program to
>Since you selected the SUEXEC/CGIwrap option and are root, we aren't
>which user and group you intended to own the link program. We have
>the catalog user's UID/GID (1001/1001), but this may not match your
>server definition. If you get a server error, change the ownership to
>proper value and ensure that the SUID bit is turned off on the link
>program (/home/www/sites/linux4liphe/cgi-bin/foundation).
>chown sampledata.xls: No such file or directory
>what is going on and or what am I doing wrong
>I would really appreciate any help you can offer.
>interchange-users mailing list

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