11.5. etc/report

When the customer's involvement in the order is complete, Interchange composes an email and sends it to the recipient defined in the MailOrderTo directive in catalog.cfg. The default location for the template for this email report is etc/report. Interchange tags can be used to fill in the body of the message.

The report should include at least the customer's name, address, and the items they ordered. The following is a simple report template; save it as etc/report.

               Name: [value fname] [value lname]
            Address: [value address1][if value address2]
                     [value address2][/if]
  City, State, etc.: [value city], [value state]  [value zip] [value country]

      Credit Card #: [cgi mv_credit_card_number]
    Expiration Date: [cgi mv_credit_card_exp_month]/[cgi mv_credit_card_exp_year]

  ************ ORDER ************
  [item-quantity] x [item-description] ([item-code]), [item-price] ea.
  Subtotal: [subtotal]
     Total: [total-cost]

This file is in plain text format where, unlike HTML, white space is relevant. It is fairly straightforward, except that the [if] tag was added to only include the optional second address line if the customer filled it in.

One of the special properties of the mv_credit_card_number field is that Interchange specifically precludes the credit card number from being saved. This makes it unavailable to you in the [value] tag. The [cgi] tag is used to circumvent this important security measure in order to get the value submitted from the last form.

WARNING! Obviously it is a bad idea to send a real credit card number over an insecure channel like email. In a real configuration, you would encrypt the number securely before emailing or storing it.