2.57. SysLog *global*

Set up syslog(8) error logging for Interchange.

   SysLog  command  /usr/bin/logger
   SysLog  tag      int1
   SysLog  alert    local3.warn
   SysLog  warn     local3.info
   SysLog  info     local3.info
   SysLog  debug    local3.debug

This would cause global errors to be logged with the command:

   /usr/bin/logger -t int1 -p local3.alert

and cause system log entries something like:

   Oct 26 17:30:11 bill int1: Config 'co' at server startup
   Oct 26 17:30:11 bill int1: Config 'homefn' at server startup
   Oct 26 17:30:11 bill int1: Config 'simple' at server startup
   Oct 26 17:30:11 bill int1: Config 'test' at server startup
   Oct 26 17:30:13 bill int1: START server (2345) (INET and UNIX)

This would work in conjunction with a UNIX syslogd.conf entry of:

        # Log local3 stuff to Interchange log
        local3.*                /var/log/interchange.log

A custom wrapper can be created around it to get it to behave as desired. For instance, if you didn't want to use syslog but instead wanted to log to a database (via DBI), you could create a Perl script named "logdatabase" to log things:


    my $script_name = "logdatabase";
    use DBI;
    use Getopt::Std;

        or die "$script_name options: $@\n";

    use vars qw/$opt_d $opt_p $opt_T $opt_k/;

    my $dsn   = $opt_d || $ENV{DBI_DSN};
    my $template = $opt_T
        || "insert into log values ('~~KEY~~', '~~LEVEL~~', '~~MSG~~')";

    my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn)
        or die "$script_name cannot connect to DBI: $DBI::errstr\n";

    my %data;

    $data{KEY} = $opt_k || '';

    local ($/);
    $data{MSG} = <>;

    $data{LEVEL} = $opt_p || 'interchange.info';

    $template =~ s/\~\~(\w+)\~\~/$dbh->quote($data{$1})/;

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($template)
        or die "$script_name error executing query: $template\n";

        or die "$script_name error executing query: $template\n";
