7.2. Special Pages

A number of HTML pages are special for Interchange operation. Typically, they are used to transmit error messages, status of search or order operations and other out of boundary conditions.

Note: The distributed demo does not use all of the default values.

The names of these pages can be set with the SpecialPage directive. The standard pages and their default locations:

canceled (special_pages/canceled.html)

catalog (special_pages/catalog.html)

failed (special_pages/failed.html)

flypage (special_pages/flypage.html)

interact (special_pages/interact.html)

missing (special_pages/missing.html)

            [tag op=header]Status: 404 missing[/tag]

noproduct (special_pages/noproduct.html)

order (ord/basket.html)

search (results.html)

            SpecialPage   search   results

violation (special pages/violation.html)