[ic] No action passed for processing

Richard Seymour interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Wed Aug 29 14:28:01 2001

I have a development box running Redhat 6.2 and Interchange 4.6.5 which
seems to be up and working. I am deploying on another Redhat 6.2 box
running Interhchange 4.6.3.

On each box I can view the catalog pages and when I click on a product to
order, I am take to my shopping cart "ord/basket.html". Good so far.

On the deployement box when I submit the order I am brought to an error
page stating "No action passed for processing". I should land on a page
where I enter my account information "ord/account.html". I can go directly
to this page from another link. But when I submit the data in that form, I
also end up on a "No action passed for processing" error page.

This all works fine on the developement box.

Any ideas on where I should start looking?

One other difference between the two (if it matters) is the location and
name of the cgi-bin directory has changed. But I have changed the lines in
all config files to match the new location.

One other possible clue:  The following lines appears in the error log
when I try to submit: 8JmKTuzu: - [29/August/2001:11:05:31 -0700] mystore
/store/mystore/process Difficulty interacting with browser: No action
passed for processing

> 8JmKTuzu: - [29/August/2001:11:05:31 -0700]
mystore /store/mystore/process Missing special page: interact

Richard Seymour, Anarchy Software, Inc.

The opinions expressed are those of my employer, not my own.