[ic] Control page access - Login + SSL (Loged_in, AlwaysSecured , ExtraSecure) [COBALT]

Rudolf Developer interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Tue Jul 17 15:32:01 2001

Hello RedHat InterChnage users,
Hello COBALT tech support,

1. I need to protect some my pages by login too.
I tried this to put this on it:

[if scratch members_only]
[set members_only][/set]
[if !session logged_in] [set mv_successpage]@@MV_PAGE@@[/set]
[bounce page=login]

PS: What  [if scratch members_only]  [set members_only][/set]  really
mean ???

OR just this:
[if !session logged_in] [set mv_successpage]@@MV_PAGE@@[/set]
[bounce page=login]

But after login it goes to MAIN catalog page, not back to my !!!

I make DEBUG in config file and uncoment all logDebug in main
InterChnage module but no intersting output !!!
I also put [DEBUG] on page to by shure then cgi variables is OK!
How I can trace PATH construction and translation ???

2. I need to some pages to be accessed only by SSL !!!
SSL access to his pages in browser is OK

I made all steps to activate AlwaysSecure but there is still access for
this pages no secure!?
Mean AlwaysSecure - redirect to secure HTTPS protocol???
Do I need to have ExtraSecure set UP? If  I activate it there is login
prior the login page is loaded !?????? :-) What really ExtraSecure mean

I checked with configdump that all the variables from confs are readed

It`s depend what type of certificate I have? There is default
certificate self signed and it`s generated for this virtual web each
time I start a Apache! Do I need to have reverse address set up?

How I can trace the AlwaysSecure feature ???

I  am running IC 4.6.3 on beautiful BLACK BOX mashine COBALT RAQ4 :-)
I tried activate CGI WRAP pach for COBALT but no change !!!

Thanks a lot!

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