[ic] more info CHECKOUT CC problems

David Totten interchange-users@lists.akopia.com
Mon Jul 30 11:11:55 2001

On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 04:29:12PM +0200, Salvador Caballe wrote:
> I also try to put  <input type=hidden name=mv_credit_card_force  value=1>
>  in the checkout.html  form
> and always returns:
> "Credit Card Information: Can't figure out credit card expiration"  
> could someone help me ?

Sounds like this is because you have CreditCardAuto Yes.
The Auto part here is to auto guess what kind of credit card you have from
passed in information such as credit card number and expiration date.

Dave Totten

Start random buzzword text:
It is assumed that the fully integrated test program requires us to think globally and act locally to benefit from the preliminary qualification limit.