[ic] newbie install

Dan Browning interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Mon Jan 14 12:25:01 2002

> I freshly installed Mandrake Linux on my dual P3 box and it 
> works just great! The first thing I did was download 
> Interchange and attempt to install it.
> When I first ran the configure script it complained about the lack of
> PERL so I downloaded the ActiveState distibution from CPAN 
> and installed
> it.
> It still complained about the perl.h file not being accessable so I
> copied it over to where it wanted it to be. But now configure gives me
> the following error:
> Where is your Interchange to be installed? [usr/local/interchange]
> writing Makefile for Interchange
> configure: make: command not found
> configure: make: command not found
> Could this have something to do with the Interchange user (interch)
> being not yet created? Where can I find this makefile or perhaps an
> error log? Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Here is your problem:  "make: command not found" (I know, my insight is
blinding).  You'll need make, gcc, and might as well get all the
development rpms for Mandrake (rpmfind.net is cool too).  Your other
alternative is to install a binary rpm.  HAND,

| Dan Browning, Sr. Tech Consultant
| Kavod Technologies, 1498 SE Tech Center Pl Ste 170
| Vancouver, WA 98683  <dan.browning@kavod.com>
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means
for going backwards.
		-- Aldous Huxley